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TomoScan provides a block explorer to the TomoChain ecosystem with user friendly, detailed and professional user interface. TomoScan brings TomoChain’s transparency to users. All blocks, transactions, smart contracts, tokens and basically everything happening on the chain are shown to the users. Furthermore, TomoScan also offers technical overview and expose useful metrics about the TomoChain.


TomoScan homepage

This is the home page of TomoScan. In the middle of the page you can find a search field that let you find anything by its address. Under it, some general stats gives you the total amount of accounts, tokens, contracts and blocks.


TomoScan transactions

All the transactions pages list the following informations: - The transaction's ID (Transaction Hash). - The block containing this transaction. - The transaction's age. - The sender's address. - The recipient's address. - The transaction's ammount in TOMO. - The gas fees.

All transactions

All the transactions that happened on the chain.

Sign transactions

Sign transactions emited by the masternodes.

Pending transactions

Transactions that are not yet confirmed.

Other Transactions

All the transactions minus the sign and pending ones.


When consulting a single transaction, the page list the following informations: - The transaction's ID (Transaction Hash). - The transaction status. - The transaction containing block. - The transaction age. - The transaction sender address. - The transaction recipient address. - The transaction ammount in TOMO. - The transaction gas used. - The transaction gas price. - The transaction total gas cost. - The transaction data.


TomoScan accounts

List the accounts on TomoChain.

All accounts

All the accounts that exist on the chain. The page list the following informations: - The account rank (ordered by balance). - The account address. - The account balance in TOMO. - The account transactions count.

All masternodes

All the masternode accounts that exist on the chain. The page list these informations: - The account address. - The account linked to the masternode name. - The account linked to the masternode owner. - The account linked to the masternode status. - The account linked to the masternode latest signed block.

Verified Contracts

All the verified contracts that exist on the chain. A contracts has to be manually verified by it's owner to appear here. The page list the following informations: - The account address. - The account contract name. - The account balance in TOMO. - The account transactions count. - The account contract verification date.


When clicking on an account, the following informations are displayed: - The account balance in TOMO. - The TOMO USD Value. - The account transactions count. - The transactions of this account. - The mined blocks. - The events of this account. - The rewards of the account for each epoch.


TomoScan tokens

List the tokens on TomoChain and their transfers.

All Tokens

All the tokens on the chain. The page list the following informations: - The token address (hash). - The token name. - The token symbol. - The token total supply. - The token decimals. - The token transactions count.

Tokens transfers

All the tokens transfers on the chain. The page list the following informations: - The transaction hash. - The transaction age. - The transaction sender address. - The transaction recipient address. - The transaction value in token. - The token name.


When clicking on an token, the following informations are displayed: - The token name. - The number of token holders. - The number of transfers made with the token. - The link of the official site, please keep in mind that TomoScan is constantly updating. Some links might be missing. - The official contract adress. - Number of decimal. - Useful links. - "Filtered by": use it if you want to see a the transactions of an adress in particular. In this example, you can check all the transactions made of the BigBom tokens from an adress to another.


TomoScan blocks

List all the blocks on TomoChain. The page list the following informations: - The block height (index). - The block age. - The block number of transactions. - The block creator. - The block total gas used. - The block finality.


The percentage of the network who validated this block. When it reach 75%, the block reach it's finality state and is added permanently to the chain.


When consulting a single block, the page list the following informations: - The block height (index). - The block age. - The block number of transactions. - The block hash. - The block parent hash. - The block creator adress. - The block finality. - The block total gas used. - The global pre block gas limit. - The block extra data.

A tab "Transactions" contains the list of transactions in this block. A tab "Signers" contains the list of masternode who signed this block.

Login and Register

If you register, you will be able to keep a watchlist of some addresses you are interested into. You will receive an email notification when this address perform actions.

Please keep in mind that TomoScan is subject to go through some changes. This is why your feedback is so much appreciated!