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Running a TomoX DEX

This guide will show you how to start a TomoX DEX on your server.

To start, you need to download TomoX-SDK source code, and it includes two parts:

  • TomoX-SDK: Backend server, API, it requires Mongodb database with rabbitmq.
  • TomoX-SDK-UI: Frontend - DEX UI, requires NodeJs, React

To enable trading for your DEX, you need to register your DEX on TomoRelayer by depositing 25K TOMO.

Quick start

Run this command on an empty server Ubuntu version 16+:

bash <(curl -sSL

After finishing the command above, you can see the result:

  • See fullnode in the Stats Page (Testnet:
  • Open your relayer on browser (http://[SERVER_IP])


You need to wait for until your fullnode pass the block number that you registered your relayer to see the pairs

Setup manually


Minimum hardware and software requirements

  • Processing transactions is mostly CPU bound. Therefore we recommend running CPU optimized servers.(You can check our base recommendations to create your fullnode here)

    • Directly facing internet (public IP, no NAT)
    • 16 cores CPU
    • 32 GB of RAM
    • SSD Storage


If you are running a node in Testnet, 8CPU/32GB of RAM is sufficient.

Application platform

  • Go 1.12 or higher
  • Docker with the latest version
  • Nodejs 8.16.x or higher
  • Nginx


Your server needs to open these ports:

  • 80/443 for HTTP/HTTPs
  • 30303 for fullnode

All IT systems require maintenance

It is of the owner's responsibility to ensure over time that your node has enough:

  • Disk space to store the new blockchain data
  • Processing power to keep the chain operating at optimal speed
  • Monitoring to be able to react quickly in case of a problem
  • Security mesures like firewalling, os security patching, ssh via keypairs, etc.

Prepare RabbitMQ, MongoDB, and TomoX fullnode

Run MongoDB and TomoX Fullnode:

Use this guide to run your fullnode and MongoDB on the server.

And run RabbitMQ:

docker run -d -p 5672:5672 --name rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.8

Basic Deployment

TomoX SDK Backend

Download tomox-sdk binary from TomoX-SDK Github Releases.


wget -O tomox-sdk
chmod +x tomox-sdk

Or you can build the binary from the source code by following the steps below:

Clone tomox-sdk to your server:

$ git clone

Go to tomox-sdk and create and edit your config file.

cd tomox-sdk
cp config/config.yaml.example config/config.yaml

We have some parameter that needs to be changed.

  • exchange_address : Your DEX coinbase (the address you use to register a DEX on TomoRelayer)
  • contract_address : TomoRelayer smart contract address (Testnet: 0xe7c16037992bEcAFaeeE779Dacaf8991637953F3)

After customizing your config, you can build SDK backend

cd tomox-sdk
go mod download
go build .

And run it:


Note: tomox-sdk requires ./config/config.yaml and ./config/errors.yaml file to run the service.

To run tomox-sdk as daemon service, you can use pm2, supervisord or systemd.


Download the site from TomoX-SDK-UI Github Releases


# download
# uncompress
tar xvzf tomox-sdk-ui.v1.0.1-beta.testnet.tar.gz

Or you can build the site by following the steps below:

Clone tomox-sdk-ui to your server:

git clone

Go to tomox-sdk-ui to update the env file:

cd tomox-sdk-ui
cp .env.sample .env

There are some parameters that need to be changed:

  • REACT_APP_ENGINE_HTTP_URL: url backend, http://[SERVER_IP_OR_DOMAIN]/api
  • REACT_APP_ENGINE_WS_URL: url websocket backend, ws://[SERVER_IP_OR_DOMAIN]/socket

You need to have yarn and sass to build the site, install it:

npm install -g yarn sass

Build the site:

cd tomox-sdk-ui
yarn install && yarn build

Your DEX UI is created into ./buid directory. You can setup web server (nginx) and domain to publish your site to internet.

You can use nginx to serve the site.

Setup web server (nginx)

TomoX-SDK backend run on port 8080 in the default. We can use Nginx to serve both TomoX-SDK and TomoX-SDK-UI and publish it to internet.

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  _;

    root /path_to_your_tomox_sdk_ui_build;

    index index.html index.htm;

    # TomoX-SDK API
    location /api {
         proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
         proxy_set_header Host $host;
         proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

    # TomoX-SDK socket
    location /socket {
        auth_basic off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/socket;

    # TomoX-SDK UI
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

After reloading nginx with the new configuration. You can access your DEX via http://SERVER_IP

Troubleshot & FAQ

How to secure my DEX?

You need to setup HTTPS and INBOUND firewall for your DEX, open only SSH (22), HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), Fullnode RLPX (30303).

You can setup firewall by using software on your server or create firewall on your cloud provider.

Why doesn't ledger work with my DEX?

Ledger required HTTPS to work properly with your DEX. On testnet, you can only use HD path 44/60 for your ledger, path 44/889 is only supported on mainnet.

Error: Cannot get tokens or pairs

You need to wait for until your fullnode pass the block number that you registered your relayer to see the pairs.

In another case, might you setup TomoX-SDK backend incorrectly. You need to make sure that exchange_address in config/config.yaml file is your DEX coinbase.